The Programming lab

February 23, 2022, 1:00-5:00pm ET

Duration: 4 Hours

Part 1: Bring your own project (En/Fr) (1:00-2:00pm ET): Do you have a research project with which you are struggling and need some programming help? Do you want to try out programming but aren’t sure where to start or what you would use it for? In this lab you can recieve 1v1 help with programming projects you bring, or work through some pre-made code projects with an instructor. Try out topic modeling, scraping the web, grabbing data from Twitter, or play an interactive game designed to teach you command line!

Note: English and French language instructors will be available.

Part 2: Web scraping and API Querying (En) (2:00-3:30 pm ET): Try web scraping and grabbing data from web platforms such as Twitter!

Part 3: Topic modeling (En) (3:30-5:00 pm ET): Learn a bit about topic modeling and try out a Python notebook that topic models all of Shakespear’s sonnets!